When a devastating diagnosis tears author Donnie Kanter Winokur’s family apart, a service dog may be their best hope to stay together.
Donnie Kanter Winokur and her husband, Harvey, never could have imagined the heart-wrenching struggle that becomes their new reality after they decide to adopt two infants from Russia. As Iyal and Morasha grow, it becomes clear that Iyal’s development is drastically lagging behind his sister’s. By age four, he has a devastating diagnosis: fetal alcohol syndrome. But naming their battle provides little relief as Iyal and his family try to cope with the lifelong impact of his invisible disability. As the Winokurs’ marriage is unraveling, Donnie and Harvey hang on to the last shreds of their own promise.
Desperate to alleviate his constant rages and their crushing toll on the family, Donnie comes up with an innovative, untested, four-pawed solution: a golden retriever service dog named Chancer. Chancer is specially trained to give Iyal a unique love he desperately needs. But in this true-life tale infused with moments of despair, tenderness, and humor, Chancer turns out to be what the entire family has needed to stay—and grow—together.
“Chancer is a moving and elegantly written memoir about marriage, motherhood, and a faithful dog who saves the day. Winokur has an elegant voice, and her humor fills even the most harrowing moments with hope. While this is a very personal tale, anyone who has ever been a parent, a partner, or a dog lover will relate.”—Rebecca Ascher-Walsh, author of “Devoted: 30 Extraordinary Tales of Love” and “Loyal: 38 Inspiring Tales of Bravery, Heroism, and the Devotion of Dogs”